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Origen defeat SK to find second win of 2019

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After a series of losses, Origen looked in shape against SK Gaming and justly took their second victory for the 2019 Spring Split.
In the opening minutes, Barney “Alphari” Morris' Kennen quickly amassed a lead over Jorge “Werlyb” Casanovas Moreno-Torres' Vladimir and was soon knocking down turret platings, giving his team the initial gold advantage. Oskar “Selfmade” Boderek's Sejuani came to even the score soon after level six, however, setting up the first kill for his top laner - and while Jonas “Kold” Andersen on Kayn got one back, he greeded for a second kill and died himself instead. Another great play by Selfmade made the difference 13 minutes in as his team invaded the Origen jungle and he nailed Patrik “Patrik” Jírů's Kalista with his ultimate, turning what could have been a close fight into a 3:0 and a Rift Herald for his team, resulting in the first significant gold lead of the game.
What started as a poor response to a Rift Herald push 16 minutes in turned to a big Origen win as SK went for the fight, but got split and ended up falling when Patrik arrived to the fight, his Kalista taking three kills that went a long way to remedy Origen’s earlier troubles. The two teams continued being quite close over the next several minutes, though SK looked to have an edge when they grouped up. However, it all went wrong during a fight in the top jungle 24 minutes in, where Origen took one kill and started baron, abandoning it for a fight that gave them another 2:1. These kills changed the tone of the game and soon it was OG playing on the front foot. Three kills 27 minutes in saw them go for the baron, and the SK contest resulted in a 3:2 for Origen, where Patrik once again played a key role, both securing the baron and getting another triple in the fight, and his 7/1/5 Kalista was looking scary as the game crested the 30-minute mark. The baron buff was not enough to break the base, however, and the game eventually slowed down as the teams waited for the big purple work to respawn.  Yet the Baron was not needed for the game to end, as 36 minutes in, Origen found SK unprepared, quickly dispatched four members and went for the nexus, killing the lone defender for their first win since Week 1.
This was a solid game for Origen, who managed to overcome some early struggles and had a great mid-game, denying SK games the teamfights they wanted and setting up the tone of the game. SK had some good early decisions, but a series of mistakes saw them lose control of the game and they found no way to get it back.