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Dominant win for Misfits against Fnatic

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After two losses, Misfits Gaming were back to their winning ways, steamrolling Fnatic in the early game and leaving the 2018 champions with no way to get back into the game.
It started with a risky draft for Fnatic, who opted for a scaling composition with three losing lanes. Misfits pounced on that weakness and between the pressure lead and a 1v1 solo kill in the top lane in the opening minutes of the game, they quickly amassed a significant gold lead. Things went even from bad to worse for Fnatic 11 minutes in as their bot lane duo’s swap to the top in an attempt to get some turret plating gold was punished and they were collapsed on, resulted for two kills going to their opponents. Misfits took the first tower shortly afterwards, and a second one around the 15-minute mark to extend their lead to some 5K.
The game slowed somewhat once Misfits got the outer ring of towers, however, but they retained enough of an advantage to make Fnatic be careful even in their own jungle. A pick on Zdravets "Hylissang" Galabov's Morgana 23 minutes in allowed Misfits to start the baron. Fnatic came to contest, but Steven "Hans Sama" Liv's Kalista secured the objective, while Paul "sOAZ" Boyer's Urgot dominated the fight, securing three of his team’s four. Fnatic managed to get two kills two minutes later that gave them a lease on life, but they were still at a massive deficit just 26 minutes in.  
29 minutes in, Misfits forced a fight with a good flank from sOAZ, chunking down both Fnatic carries and killing Mads "Broxah" Brock-Pedersen's Zac. When they started the second baron, it was uncontested, and with it, they pushed the base, taking two inhibitors after a kill on Hylissang's Morgana gave them a man advantage. They retreated to buy and pick another drake, and easily closed the game on the next attack.
It was a confident win for Misfits, who had the game under control practically from the start - drafting an early game composition, dominating the mid-game and making almost no mistakes. Fnatic's draft left them at a big disadvantage, and they found no way to get back into the game, once more suffering from the bad start that has plagued this split.